
An Introduction to Technology Planning 


Companies plan their budgets, sales and marketing strategies routinely, along with operational adjustments. In the modern landscape, the most progressive and forward-thinking companies also prioritize developing strategic technology plans. Earlier, Anand Jayapalan had spoken about how a strategic technology plan is meant to assess the current technological strengths and weaknesses of a company, and subsequently establish a roadmap for aligning technology in the manner the company wants to carry out its operations. A strategic technology plan can also help identify how to automate and integrate the distinctive factors that set the company apart.

Companies tend to have a specific set of policies, workflows, processes, activities and rules that help create the value of a business, on the whole, and make the enterprise successful. A strategic technology plan helps identify how to automate and integrate distinctive factors that set the company apart. Such roadmaps would help recognize the current technological needs of a company, like financial spreadsheet systems, networking, accounting systems, computers and printers, word processing packages, inventory control set-ups, and more. Technology plans must also take IT training for employees, cybersecurity, and funding for discerning IT needs into account.

Technology plans propose a technology strategy that effectively backs up the already established business objectives of a company. They may also involve the creation of business continuity plans for when any kind of disastrous events takes place.  Much like the goals and objectives of a business, its technology roadmap must also evolve with time. It should be revisited and updated on a regular basis.

No technology plan can be effectively executed without funds. Allocating a proper budget for technology is as important as developing a robust financial plan for purchasing office supplies. In a similar manner, incorporating new hardware and software into a business is as vital as ordering ink and paper for office printers. If an entrepreneur wants to expand their business, they must make adapting to innovative technologies a part of their budget layout. If done appropriately, this shall go a long way in improving business productivity, and ensure the appropriate usage of company resources. 

Earlier, Anand Jayapalan had discussed the importance of allocating funds for distinctive IT programs by listing the projected funding for tech. A carefully created IT budget would enable a company to save money in the long run by lowering the risk of wasting funds on unproductive and ineffective technology. The technology plan must identify current and future IT needs and costs of a company, and also include a timeline for implementation. One of the biggest benefits of proper technology planning is that it helps companies to save funds and protect their assets. As this planning process involves assessing the current technology strengths and weaknesses of a company, it is quite useful in identifying areas where technology can be optimized to lower expenses, streamline processes, and improve efficiency. For instance, a business may lower software expenses while still maintaining the same functionality by choosing to consolidate software licenses. Moreover, a technology plan may even help a company to protect its distinctive assets from cyber threats and data breaches.

Joseph Smith

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